Young Reader in the Making

Young Reader in the Making

Monday, March 26, 2012

Book 106: Ten in the Bed

Ten in the Bed by Jane Cabrera, Holiday House 2010

This is another book that my little always picks out for himself, so I would guess that makes this a perfect book for a toddler/preschooler.

You probably remember the song from your childhood -- if not the tune is simple and easy to pick up -- but Jane Cabrera changes the words a bit. For example, the first one out of bed is the snorer -- Hooray! Those slight changes in the text make for some fun illustrations.

*For reviews on books to borrow, please see Louise's Blog in Blogs I Follow

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Book 105: Hop on Pop

Hop on Pop, by Dr. Seuss, Random House 1963

This was another book that I thought my son would soon tire. I was wrong. Oh, that Dr. Seuss! I couldn't tell you why he likes the book, even when he is not paying any attention to the illustrations. He just does.

I'll tell you why I like reading it out loud. It is fun in a rhymy-whymy way. It has the cadence of a chant. It is funny. And the illustrations -- even upside down and backwards, the illustrations are colorful and whimsical. Even if my son is too busy dancing to the rhythm of the text to notice the illustrations, I find them a delight.

Enjoy Seuss' birthday month with this or another favorite of his books.

For reviews on books to borrow, please see Louise's Blog in Blogs I Follow.