Young Reader in the Making

Young Reader in the Making

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Book 110: Over in the Forest, Come and Take a Peek

Over in the Forest, Come and Take a Peek, written by Marianne Berkes and illustrated by Jill Dubin, Dawn Publication, 2012.  (Toddler/Preschool)

Question:  How much does my little boy love this book?  Answer:  I've had this book for about ten days and have read it easily over twenty times.  Simple Answer:  A whole lot.

Just like every other Over In... book by the talented Marianne Berkes, this one is set to the tune of Over in the Meadow.  That premise make this an easy book to read to toddlers.  Not to give anything away, once again, I learned something from Marianne Berkes' text.

The illustrations are delightful.  My favorite part, though, is the ascending number of animal tracks, because I learned something from the illustrations.

Any time a book entertains a child and educates an adult, it is a winner.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Book 109: Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star and other bedtime lullabies

Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star and Other Bedtime Lullabies, Grandreams Limited, 1989.  (Baby/Toddler)

  Two weeks ago I broke my left leg, and, yes, last May, I shattered my right. So, once again I am hobbling around the downstairs on crutches. And once again, my choice of books is pretty limited. In fact all the ones my son brought downstairs have been reviewed. This one was sitting by the computer so I could look up the tunes. Now that I have looked up a few a the tunes for Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star and Other Bedtime Lullabies, I do like it better.

 I thought at three-and-a-half, my little boy might have outgrown lullabies, but at least once a day he climbs into my lap and wants me to sing to him. Awww. It is good to have a choice of songs. The reason I picked this book up in the first place was because of the illustrations. They have a bit of the Joan Walsh Anglund quality that I grew up with, and so, to my was comforting and familiar. I swear I had a pink robe just like the one a girl is wearing in one of the illustrations. Not only do I have a stash of new songs for my son, but also, I can share with him some of the features of my childhood.