The dedication pages of children's books don't usually make me cry. This one did. This book is a celebration of everything wonderful about the USA: The history, the culture, the sports, the places, the sights, the food, the art, the people, and sometimes the sacrifices. The text for each two-page spread is simple and direct, and includes a continuing puzzle in rhyme. I don't want to diminish the writing, which is very good, but the artwork in this book (as in all Michael Garland books) is the star.
Every time I open a new Michael Garland book, I am staggered by the range of his work. This, again, is true for all of his books, but most especially this one. The artwork ranges from photo-realism, to exaggerated cartoons, all within the same illustration. For a lesser skilled artist, this mixture of different genres might seem jarring. Not so here. Here that mixture works beautifully. I think because of the joy and humor that marks the overall style of Michael Garland's artwork.