What could possibly be better than a Splat the Cat story? SIX Splat the Cat stories all contained in one hardbound book.
Splat the Cat stories are so ridiculous that grownups rolls their eyes. And kids fall over on the floor laughing. Clearly, they are written for children. Even better, they are written for children who are just learning how to read, so they are packed with loads of repetition and rhymes, and, of course, fall-over-on-the-floor-laughing silliness.
Splat the cat strongly resembles a dust kitty with pipe-cleaner legs and tail -- don't ask me how I know about the dust kitty. I was surprised to see that more than one illustrator did the work for this collection because the continuity was amazing. Rob Scotton, the "creator" did the cover art and Robert Eberz illustrated four of the six stories, the rest were illustrated by teams including Charles Grosvenor, Joe Merkel and Rick Farley. Overall, the editor for this book series must be amazing.