Young Reader in the Making

Young Reader in the Making

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Book 511: An Object of Beauty

An Object of Beauty, by Steve Martin, Hachette Books, 2010.

I liked this book.  Of course, I worked (very briefly) in Art when I was in my twenties, so I understood much of it.

The book has been compared to Edith Wharton's Age of Innocence.  I disagree.  I see much more of another Edith Wharton book in this one:  The House of Mirth.  Lacey Yeager is very much like Lily Bart.  Her character, while not likable, somehow still manages to engender sympathy.

One more thing, the writing is sharp and crisp and witty.  After a while, I forgot that Steve Martin wrote this book and just enjoyed the writing.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Book 510: Little Tree

Little Tree, by Loren Long, Philomel Books 2015,

Terrible alliteration (by me) aside, I have long loved Loren Long's illustrative work.  This book is another excellent example of his beautiful work.

The story itself is very sweet and simple, possibly a tad too simple, or possibly just right for the readers of this book.  Either way, my seven-year-old son read it on his own and had no trouble understanding the message.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Book 509: No Fighting, No Biting!

No Fighting, No Biting!, by Else Holmellund Minarik, illustrated by Maurice Sendak, 1958, HarpersCollins.

This book is almost as enchanting as the Little Bear series.  Probably because no matter how adorable the baby alligators look when created by Maurice Sendak, they just don't have the cuddliness of a bear cub.  A side effect of this book is that my seven-year-old son will point to our two older cats when they are tussling and say, "No fighting, no biting!"  I'd say he fully understands the story.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Book 508: Farts in the Wild

In our house we strive for lofty ideals, elegance, and gentility.  But sometimes there just have to be farts.  Especially if you have a seven-year-old boy.  And I MUCH prefer a book of the recorded sounds over the real item.  I am also grateful that this isn't a scratch-n-sniff book.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Book 507: The First Thanksgiving

The First Thanksgiving, by Linda Hayward, illustrated by James Watling, Random House, 1990.

This is a solid book for first grade readers.  It is not exactly interesting.  It is not exactly complete in information.  It is not exactly entertaining.  And the illustrations are not exactly brilliant.  But kids can read it on their own and understand most of it.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Book 506: Whaddayamean

Whaddayamean, by John Burningham, Crown Publishing, 1999.

I almost didn't pick this book up at the library some weeks ago.  I thought the title was rather silly.  The cover art, however, intrigued me, so I opened the book up to read it.  Once I started reading this book, I could not put it down.  I loved it so much, in fact, that I went out that day and bought a copy for myself.

This book is fantastic!  And with this book, John Burningham has become one of my few favorite children's author/illustrators.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Book 505: Ralph Masiello's Ocean Drawing Book

Ralph Masiello's Ocean Drawing Book, Charlesbridge, 2016.

The whole series of Ralph Masiello's Drawing Books is a great way to teach young artists the basics of drawing.  This book in particular, the ocean book, is wonderful for kids like mine who are fascinated by ocean life and would live in an aquarium if they could.  The instructions are straightforward and easy to follow, and my seven-year-old son feels a sense of accomplishment when he completes a drawing.