Young Reader in the Making

Young Reader in the Making

Friday, May 26, 2017

Book 570: Listen My Children

Listen My Children, Core Knowledge Book, 2001.

My son read this book for his Second Grade Literature class.  This book is an excellently-curated collection of poems for second-graders.

Monday, May 22, 2017

Book 569: The Legend of the Bluebonnet

The Legend of the Bluebonnet, by Tomie DePaola, Penguin Books, 1983.

This is a lovely, lovely book.  My son read it for a First Grade class last year, and it might have been a little advanced for him then.  But now, it is perfect for him.  In fact, it is just perfect.

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Book 568: Weather, Poems for All Seasons

Weather:  Poems for All Seasons, by Lee Bennett Hopkins, illustrated by Melanie Hall, HarperCollins, 1995.

My son read this book last year for first grade.  It was his first introduction to a study of poetry, and he really enjoyed it.

Friday, May 19, 2017

Book 567: Buddy, the First Seeing Eye Dog

Buddy:  The First Seeing Eye Dog, by Eva Moore, illustrated by Don Bolognese, Scholastic Book 1996.

This is a delightful true-life story for a second-grader.  My second-grader was impressed with the friendships in this book:  The friendship between Kiss and Gala, and the friendship between Kiss (now Buddy) and Morris.

The illustrations are tender and action-packed, and add so much to the text.

The only thing that didn't quite make sense was the title.  Buddy was the first seeing eye dog in the US, but she wasn't the first seeing eye dog.