Young Reader in the Making

Young Reader in the Making

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Book 65: The Color Book

The Color Book, Laura Kelly Designs, Ollie Bollie Book 2009.   Baby to Toddler

Back in July, I was getting ready to move from Florida to South Carolina. My husband was already in South Carolina. Our household furnishings were boxed up on a Thursday and not loaded onto a truck until the following Tuesday. Did I mention this was July? In Florida? With my husband not around?

On Friday, I did what any reasonable person would do -- I left the house and went shopping. Although not for any household belongings. More like for lemonade and ice cream. However, I did stop by the Beall's Outlet next door to the Publix, because it was cool, and although a bit chaotic, positively serene compared to my boxed-up house. While I was there, I let my 20-month-old son pick out a book. He picked out The Color Book.

I wasn't expecting to like this book as anything more than a pleasant diversion at a pretty stressful time (for my toddler and for me). My little boy, though, did take to it right away. It is a board book. The text is limited to just the name of the color in a font of that color, and the illustrations are bold and simple.

Anyway, the little boy liked this book in the summer during our move, and now that we've been settled into our new house and he has ALL of his books around him, he still pulls this book off his quite frequently. He didn't even want me to take it downstairs so I could write about it. So, to me, this book is a winner.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lucie,
    thanks for the nice comment! The baby is actually my nephew. :)
    I love the banner photo; it is so cute and that is one chubby kitty cat!
    I did not know that Beall's still existed! I used to shop there way back when I was a kid growing up in Texas. I'll have to check out this book you mentioned; I've been buying quite a few books for my nephew.
